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What happens if you slip and fall on someone else’s property? In many cases, issues of negligence emerge that form the foundation of Canada slip and fall lawsuit. If you find yourself in this situation, our Canada slip and fall injury lawyers can help you file and navigate a claim.


Lawyers You Can Rely On


The days and weeks after an injury has happened are often both confusing and overwhelming for the injured party. Learning the true depth of your injuries and how your life will be affected can be shocking. Handling the claim on your own without Canada slip and fall injury lawyers could be a big mistake.

Getting your questions answered and being able to prepare a compelling case to recover compensation are general concerns for any accident injured person. Waiting too long to file a claim or accepting a low settlement offer could present challenges for your ability to recover, so it’s better to contact LEGAL SERVICES CANADA personal injury lawyers today to talk about your concerns. Your legal case for a Canada slip and fall injury begins with an evaluation of the accident. Bring all evidence associated with the accident and keep notes while the information is still fresh in your mind. Talking things through with an attorney gives you a better understanding of what to expect when filing a legal claim, and the value of the right lawyer cannot be overstated. After a slip and fall injury in Canada, you have enough to worry about. Being able to find lawyers you can trust removes some of the pressure on you and enables your case to be handled by someone who knows how slip and fall cases proceed in Canada.


Causes of Slip and Fall Injuries


Some of the most common causes of Toronto slip and fall injuries have to do with poorly maintained property. When a property owner or manager is responsible for the conditions that cause injuries to others, those victims could be eligible to pursue a Toronto slip and fall lawsuit. If you think you have grounds for an injury claim, scheduling a call with our Toronto slip and fall injury lawyers today can put you on the path to recovery.

The most important element of a slip and fall case in Toronto is whether or not the property manager, owner, or other responsible party was negligent in identifying hazards and removing them or alerting people of the existence of hazards. When a property owner knows of a hazard and does nothing, the injuries caused by that hazard could lead to a Toronto slip and fall injury claim.

Some of the most common causes of slip and fall injuries include:

  • Cracked sidewalks or tile

  • Icy sidewalks

  • Wet floors without warnings

  • Torn carpeting

  • Broken floorboards

  • Improper handrails

Although some people might walk away from a slip and fall incident with minor injuries, that’s often not the case for an injury victim. Depending on where and how you call, serious injuries like a TBI or spinal cord condition can make it difficult or impossible for someone to return to work. The medications required, the physical therapy, and any surgeries required have a major impact on the victim’s life.

Many people who are injured in slip and fall claims suffer from pain for months or years to come and their quality of life is seriously impacted.


Caring and Assertive Lawyers


Municipalities and property owners maintain a responsibility to keep their premises safe to other. When you’re not sure of your rights to file a claim, call LEGAL SERVICES CANADA personal injury lawyers to discuss the basics of your claim.

Whether you’re just filing a claim or have questions about how to file a claim, our Canada slip and fall injury lawyers know what it’s like to face a life-changing injury because of a tripping or falling incidents.

A slip and fall accident is more serious if the person who is injured was vulnerable to begin with. Example an elderly or disabled victim may never be able to fully recover, highlighting why the right slip and fall lawyers in Canada should be contacted immediately.

The major lawsuit often relate to liability. Commercial properties like a store, bar, or restaurant has to maintain property safe to others. Dangerous construction work, Uneven tiles, and wet floors can all pose critical dangers for an unsuspecting customer. Liability issues may also include concerns about improper lighting or failing to maintain a safe parking lot.

Since the issues in a slip and fall claim can be complex, you need injury lawyers who understand the landscape. Our Canada slip and fall injury lawyers have years of experience serving clients juts like you when someone else’s negligence causes a big injury. 


You Don't Pay Unless We Win

If you’re concerned about the cost of your medical bills and other expenses tied to your injuries, the last thing you want to worry about are legal expenses. This holds some victims back from filing a Toronto slip and fall injury claim at all, depriving them of the compensation they need to get better. Our lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, meaning Diamond & Diamond personal injury lawyers only get paid If we win your case. This gives you the focus necessary to get medical treatment without the fear of an undue financial burden. 


Important Things to Keep in Mind in the Event of a Slip and Fall Accident




While many slip and fall accidents may only result in a bit of discomfort that will fade quickly, more serious injuries are possible. Injuries can include, but are not limited to, broken and fractured bones, spinal injuries, carpel tunnel syndrome, soft tissue injuries, and back injuries. Furthermore, depending on the nature of the slip and fall incident, victims may also suffer from chronic pain symptoms, migraines, sleep disorders, and internal organ injuries. For particularly vulnerable people, such as the elderly or disabled, a slip and fall accident can be much more serious, and in a small number of cases can even lead to death.


Liability Issues


Liability issues will vary depending on where the accident occurred. Commercial properties, such as restaurants, bars, and stores, have an obligation to keep their premises safe. Some of the most common slip and fall injuries that occur on commercial properties include wet floors, uneven tiles, or unsafe construction work, all of which could pose a hazard to the public. Other factors, however, may increase a commercial property owner’s liability, such as poor lighting and failure to properly maintain an adjacent parking lot. Private property owners have an obligation equal to those of stores and businesses to keep their premises safe. When visiting a person's home, the owner of that home should take every precaution to ensure their home does not pose a risk to visitors. For example, they should clear their driveway of ice and snow so it is safe for friends and family members, as well as strangers like salespeople and repair workers. Likewise, the majority of cases indicate that landlords are responsible for ensuring that a rented property is properly maintained. This means that tenants may be able to hold their landlords responsible for certain slip and fall accidents that occur on rented properties. Finally, some of the most common slip and fall injuries involve improperly cleared roads and sidewalks during the winter months. Under Ontario law, municipalities can be held liable for a person’s injuries if a sidewalk or road was not properly maintained. This liability also extends to other government properties, such as public transit, airport terminals, parks, and government buildings.


Taking Action


Because slip and fall accidents often occur outside of the victim’s own home, it is important to document the nature of the incident before conditions at the site are altered, either by the weather or by the liable parties. If possible, try to take pictures of both the site of the accident and the injuries. Also, try to collect as much information as possible from any potential witnesses. Finally, be sure to contact a personal injury lawyer at Diamond & Diamond as soon after the accident as possible, especially since there is likely to be a limited amount of time for making a claim.


If you are looking for an experienced lawyer in Toronto, call LEGAL SERVICES CANADA 123-456-7890 or email us here at

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